I recently installed FreeBD 9.0 on my laptop, side by side with Debian GNU\Linux. While I am very excited about FreeBSD, I am still not ready to turn it into my main operation system. Hence, from a time to time I would like to be able to stuff or exchange data between Debian an FreeBSD.
So, here is how I recompiled the UFS module under Debian Wheezy, without the need to recompile the whole kernel.
sudo apt-get build-dep --no-install-recommends linux-image-$(uname -r)
mkdir ufs_rw
cd ufs_rw
apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)
cd linux-3.2.32
cp -v /usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-4-amd64/Module.symvers .
cp -v /boot/config-3.2.0-4-amd64 .
make EXTRAVERSION=-4 O=~/ufs_rw menuconfig
if you feel like doing stuff with sed instead of the Curses Menu:
make EXTRAVERSION=-4 O=~/ufs_rw oldconfig
sed -i 's/# CONFIG_UFS_FS_WRITE is not set/CONFIG_UFS_FS_WRITE=y/' ~/ufs_rw/.config
Then, continue with
make EXTRAVERSION=-4 O=~/ufs_rw prepare
make EXTRAVERSION=-4 O=~/ufs_rw outputmakefile
make EXTRAVERSION=-4 O=~/ufs_rw archprepare
make EXTRAVERSION=-4 O=~/ufs_rw modules SUBDIRS=scripts
make EXTRAVERSION=-4 O=~/ufs_rw modules SUBDIRS=fs/ufs
Now, you find the compiled module under ~/ufs_rw/
sudo modinfo fs/ufs/ufs.ko
filename: /home/ozdeb/ufs_rw/fs/ufs/ufs.ko
license: GPL
vermagic: 3.2.32-4 SMP mod_unload modversions
you can install the module or just use it every time you need it.
sudo cp ~/ufs_rw/fs/ufs/ufs.ko /lib/modules/3.2.0-4-amd64/kernel/fs/ufs/
#to load the module:
modprope -iv ufs.ko
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