Tiny Python script to convert Fortran comments to "!"


I work on a very old Fortran code, which is Fixed form Fortran 77 mixed with some Fortran 95. Geany IDE, had problem displaying lines starting with "c" as comments.

MasterMind Game in Fortran 95


Just for the fun, and to learn some Fortran 95, I wrote this little game which imitates the [MasterMind](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mastermind_%28board_game%29) game.

Another matplotlib tutorial


Recently I started working with [MIN3P](http://www.eos.ubc.ca/about/faculty/U.Mayer.html), a reactive transport modeling software, which produces data output which can be easily visualized with a commercial software package. However, I can't afford purchasing this package for my research, and I won't even though they have a Linux client.

The misteries of Fortran Functions


Fortran has a 2 ways to define sub-procedures: functions and subroutines. Functions allow many input variables, but only one output variable, which has to be a number. Subroutines, can take a few variables and output a few variables.

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